NPSP REA GENDER WORKSHOP Event Communique – March 2019 Amplifying Gender in the Energy Sector The Rural Electrification Agency (REA) is committed to driving for gender inclusion in the Nigerian
Impact Energy: Case Studies of Successful Off Grid Energy Businesses in Nigeria
Click to view/ download Impact Energy: Case Studies of Successful Off Grid Businesses in Nigeria
Presentations from the Minigrid Funding & Investment Roundtable Event
Presentations by RMI, Nigeria’s REA, the World Bank, McKinsey and Rensource from the Minigrid Funding and Investment Roundtable event held on the 23rd April, 2018, in Washington, D.C. Click to view/
Off Grid Opportunity in Nigeria – Upscaling minigrids
Off Grid Opportunity in Nigeria – Upscaling minigrids for least cost and timely access to electricity THE OPPORTUNITY Nigeria is the biggest and most attractive off-grid opportunity in Africa, and
Presentation on Unlocking Barriers to Large Scale Deployment of Mini-Grids in Nigeria
Upscaling Mini Grid for least cost and timely access to electricity action learning event It is estimated that only 36% of the rural population have access to electricity and 85
Energizing Education Presentation on the 4th Mini Grid Action Learning Event
BACKGROUND Federal Universities & Access to Power ▪ Adequate supply of electric power has repeatedly been cited as a major challenge and barrier to effective learning in our federal universities.
Energizing Economies – Baseline Survey, Energy Audit & Reports
This report presents the findings of the baseline survey and energy audits carried out across four Nigerian economic clusters, namely; Ariaria Market in Abia State, Sabon Gari Market in Kano
A Case for Nigerian Component State Governments to Develop Off-grid Renewable Policies and Agencies to Improve Power Generation in the Country
The National Electric Power Policy (“NEPP”) 2001, is the precursor to the Electric Power Sector Reform Act (“EPSRA”). One of the objectives, of the NEPP, is the expansion of access