The sole mission of the Rural Electrification Agency (REA) is to provide access to reliable electric power supply for rural dwellers irrespective of where they live and what they do, in a way that would allow for reasonable return on investment through appropriate tariff that is economically responsive and supportive of the average rural customer. To achieve this, the Rural Electrification Fund [REF] was established by virtue of the section 88 sub-section II of the now defunct Electric Power Sector Reform Act of 2005 to provide support for the development of the on and off grid sectors for the power/energy sector to thrive, by:
1. Achieving more equitable regional access to electricity
2. Maximizing the economic, social and environmental benefits of rural electrification subsidies
3. Promoting expansion of the grid and the development of off-grid electrification
4. Stimulating innovative approaches to rural electrification, provided that no part of the REF shall be used as subsidies for consumption.
The Rural Electrification Fund (REF), now known as the Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Fund, embarked on a significant milestone with its recent REF Reform Workshop. Held in Abuja from the 20th to the 22nd of March, 2024, the workshop aimed to fortify the REF for optimal impact and enhance social rural electrification access. Attended by the executive management, zonal coordinators, staff of REF, legal departments, HRM, and various stakeholders, the event was a comprehensive endeavour to revitalize rural electrification efforts across Nigeria.
The workshop commenced with opening remarks and an overview of the Electricity Act 2023, delivered by the esteemed Executive Director of REF, Honourable Engineer Doris Uboh. In her address, Engineer Uboh emphasized a dedicated approach to the rollout of REF activities, programs, and projects, with a zero-tolerance policy towards project failure. This set the tone for the subsequent sessions, which delved into critical topics pertinent to the REF's mandate.
One such session explored the nuances of the Electricity Act 2023, elucidated by the erudite legal luminary, Abdul Aminu Mahmud Esq. Mr. Mahmud provided insights into understanding the implications of the Act on the Rural Electrification Fund, setting the stage for informed discussions on legal frameworks and regulatory compliance.
The review of the REF Operational Guidelines was conducted by Mr. Kerry Ebinana, shedding light on procedural intricacies and operational efficiency. Additionally, Mr. Erabor Okogun of KPMG presented the REF Reform implementation work plan, outlining strategic pathways for the effective execution of reform initiatives.
The role of Zonal Offices in enhancing effective Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of REF projects was a key focus area, presented by Engr. Cyprian Longtar, the Zonal Coordinator of the North Central Zone. His insights provided a practical understanding of M&E processes, underscoring the importance of local engagement and context-specific interventions.
Chibuikem Agbaegbu led a discussion on REF Organizational Structure, examining both the present and proposed frameworks. This session provided valuable insights into organizational dynamics and operational efficiency enhancements, setting the stage for a more streamlined and agile REF division.
The workshop's outcomes underscored the REF's commitment to becoming a more efficient and dedicated division, poised to spearhead electrification access programs for unserved and underserved communities across Nigeria. The leadership of Honourable Engineer Doris Uboh injects fresh stimulation and inspiration into the division, energizing staff to deliver their best.
As Nigeria navigates its electrification journey, the REF stands at the forefront, poised to leverage opportunities for research, innovation, and best practices. From REF Calls to the African Mini Grids Program, Energizing Agriculture, Derisking Solar Lighting Solutions, and more, the REF remains steadfast in its mission to provide energy access to Nigerian communities.
In conclusion, the REF Reform Workshop marks a pivotal moment in the evolution of rural electrification efforts in Nigeria. With a renewed sense of purpose and commitment, the REF is primed to lead the charge towards sustainable energy access, driving socio-economic development and prosperity across the nation.
Author: Dr. Ahmed Yahaya Alhassan, Deputy Director REF Operations