Research and Innovation Hub -formulated to complement the agency's innovative and sustainable approaches to Rural Electrification challenges in Nigeria.
  • Introduction

    The Rural Electrification Fund (REF) Directorate under the Rural Electrification Agency is responsible for providing capital subsidies, in a clear, transparent and competitive process, to qualified rural electrification schemes developed through public and private sector entities and with a focus to utilizing Decentralized Renewable Energy technologies. As the REF strives to implement REA’s mandate by addressing the country’s rural electrification challenges, it has become evident that there is need to support and implement innovative approaches to rural electrification, as highlighted in the Electric Power Sector Reform Act of 2005.

    The successful exploitation of new ideas is crucial for rural electrification as it would improve its structures and processes, introduce improved solutions and services, increase efficiency and capacity, enhance profitability and sustainability as well as bridge knowledge gaps

    View/ Download the presentation unveiling the REF Research & Innovation Hub

The REF Research and Innovation Hub will seek partnerships and investment to expand sustainable access to electricity, especially in rural communities, while also stimulating economic activities for the shared benefits of all stakeholders. Some of the expected benefits of the innovation and start-ups program include:

  • Access to seed investment in the form of grants, needed to refine and deploy solutions for entry into wider funding market
  • Nurture sustainable solutions, products, and/or technologies that would boost and promote business operations and stimulate socio-economic growth in rural communities in Nigeria.
  • Access to a wide network of mentors, innovators, enterprises, and professionals that share passion and drive towards an integrated multi-layered support and feedback system
  • Promote and strengthen knowledge capacity through fostering of knowledge sharing among strategic partners and funding agents 
Ref Concept Note

Concept Note